Supporting Environmental and Social Justice

How Does Holistic Sustainability Relate to Environmental and Social Justice

Vusa Manga Animations by Blackbodymother at

Sustainable Socio-Ecological Optimization - SSEO, Holistic Sustainability for Environmental and Social Justice 

Green Corps began as a student organization based on environmental and social justice, aiming to repurpose our economic, social, and food-water-energy-waste systems, and re-envisioning our infrastructure to create sustainable solutions to everyday problems and bring solidarity to all people. Now Green Corps in collaboration with ESJ Design Arts supports and develops methods to apply green innovation and sustainability tech through residential designs integrating agriculture with clean technology. Green Corps also serves as a campus-based entity recruiting, and engaging students and promoting holistic sustainability efforts based on action.  Take action now by showcasing the normalization of cultural diversity with art supported by ESJ Design Arts.

Understand Holistic Sustainability as Environmental and Social Justice - Sustainable Socio-Ecological Optimization, SSEO, the ability to continually improve the biodiversity of life considering ecological constraints; to provide and advocate for the equity in any ecosystem considering that all places and people are located within or are a part of a bioregion which requires healthy functionality in all its diverse interconnected systems. All these ecosystems and diverse lives deserve equal support to maintain healthy functionality, wellbeing, and solidarity for the local and global environments mutual optimization.

Green Corps SSEO System Design​ Mission Goals

Every SSEO system design aims to fulfill the mission through the integration of our mission goals into holistic solutions for environmental and social justice

Recharge Ground Water

Green Corps strives to implement urban hydrologic systems, Water harvesting, onsite re-circulation, purification, storage for energy, irrigation, and hydrologic cycle restoration where drought and flooding can be mitigated, with green infrastructure and localized SSEO micro treatment and storage infrastructure systems.

Restoration of the Tree Canopy

Address Climate Action Plan Goals.  Analysis of historical tree canopy coverage within bioregions to envision, implement, and realize the restoration of the urban ecological climate controlling tree canopy.

Remediation of Food Deserts

Our mission includes the implementation of urban ecological food forests with bioregional food producing vegetation which establishes resilient food production, food security, and food justice supporting disadvantaged communities.  With a focus on revitalizing native and heirloom varieties to restore regenerative, permanent agriculture, production.

Recycle, Reuse, & Regenerate Resources with Local/Bioregional Sources and Analytic Evaluations

Analytic evaluations for locally sourced production, product construction, and consumer consumption demand rate requirements in relation to bioregional supply resources while supporting a healthy ecology. With Green Corps Analytics true valuation, instead of inflation, can create sustainable market growth. With investment growth in sustainability research and development innovative materials and processes become available to transform unsustainable products and industries into clean tech and green tech industries.

Biologically Diverse Placemaking

Empower disadvantaged communities through mutual aid low cost sustainable infrastructure, Social Cultural - Relational, Aesthetics, and transforming single use spaces into collaborative multi-purpose spaces that optimize health and well-being with the innate benefits of elevating the human-animal-nature connection, biodiversity, compassion, and cultural placemaking, within land use designs.

Market Growth in Clean Tech, Green Engineering, and Sustainability Industries

Focus on implementation, advancement, and quality control in clean technology, green technology, and sustainability focused engineering, research, and development industries and economic markets. Push for accountability in corporate social responsibility, public policy, and subsidies to collectively achieve holistic sustainability.

Support a Culture of Environmental and Social Justice

Release the toxic bonds of subjective competition, exploitation, and marginalization, formed by the business as usual power construct of this day and age.  By supporting mutual aid, environmental and social justice, and empowering social diversity efforts in media, technology, demographic based data, marketing, entertainment, and engineering, we can establish solidarity within society based on mutual aid and a holistic sustainability social construct.

Green+Corps working together with ESJ Design Arts toward the betterment of the local and global environment.
Engineering Environmental and Social Justice
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